Andy Smyth - Financial Services Thought Gallery

Financial Services Ireland

Andy Smyth is an Executive Director in the EMEIA Financial Services Risk Consulting practice at EY.

Andy leads EY’s Non-Life Actuarial practice in Ireland, advising clients in the areas of Actuarial, Risk & Finance. He has spent the entirety of his career consulting to Non-Life insurers and reinsurers globally, in consulting roles in the Ireland, Bermuda and London (re)insurance markets.

Andy is motivated by delivering value for clients through advising them on developing and executing their strategic goals. He has extensive experience assisting insurers with tackling some of the sector’s biggest challenges, from successfully delivering large-scale Finance/Actuarial Transformations, to thriving in an ever-changing Risk environment and leading on the Sustainability Agenda. Andy leads teams that help EY’s clients achieve their ambitions in these and other areas.

Andy’s technical expertise spans Reserving, Pricing, Capital and Regulatory Change. He has held the signing roles of Solvency II Head of Actuarial Function, Loss Reserve Specialist under the Bermuda Solvency regime and Reviewing Actuary under the CBI’s Domestic Actuarial Regime.

Andy is a Fellow of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries (UK) and of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland, where he volunteers as a member of both the SAI’s General Insurance Committee and Non-Life IFRS 17 Working Group. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Actuarial & Financial Studies from UCD.

Andy Smyth

Executive Director, Risk Consulting


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